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因为科技的发达,电子产品已经越来越普遍,现在的孩子手上不是一部平板电脑就是手机。现在的孩子已经和大人们一样,使用电子产品时间已占用生活中大部分的时间,不再像以前一样, 喜欢和朋友或是家人在客厅玩一些小游戏。

Nowadays, since technology becomes more advance, electronic products have become more and more common, and now children have either a tablet or a mobile phone. Today’s children, like most people, spend most of their time in using electronic devices and no longer enjoy interacting with friends and family or even play some games as much as children used to.

无论哪个年代,游戏都是儿童的天性。无论什么年龄阶段,想起自己小时候玩过的那些游戏,任何人都会露出会心的微笑。小时候,没有电视,更没有电子游戏,所有的游戏都是因地制宜的。全家人在客厅一整天都能玩得不亦乐乎, 玩起来,都会玩到一整天呢。

No matter what age, games are children’s nature. No matter what age, anyone will smile at the memory of those games he played as a child. During your childhood, there is no TV and video games, and all the game is adapted to local condition but children can play all-day.


Because of the outbreak of COVID-19, both adults and children must stay at home and abide by the MCO imposed by the government. Under the action control order, in addition to using electronic products to kill time, we can also conduct parent-child activities with children and teach them the childhood games they miss. Let’s see our childhood game and see how many you still remember!

1. 五粒子 (Batu Seremban)

小时候玩的是路边的小石子,但老奶奶有时还会教我们 缝 缝小布袋 ,一共有五粒。孩子们很认真的学习如何丢,如何抓,如何接。全家人一起坐在客厅玩玩, 吹着宽大阳台吹进来的风, 幸福满满的哦~

As a child, I played with seven pebbles, but some old people sewed them in small bags for safety reasons. Children learn how to throw, how to catch, how to pick up. 

2. 拇指摔角 (Thumb Wrestling)


Using the thumb to wrestling look easy to play, but when you really play it, it is so exciting!

3. 手工折纸(Origami)

还记得以前撕掉的纸拿来折飞机让后丢来丢去和朋友比谁的飞最远或者是折船让后放在水上面给他飘来飘去,好怀念啊! 你还记得几样呢? 教教小孩折常用到的垃圾桶吧, 平日吃饭时还能折几个用来装骨头用呢。

Still, remember how we used to tear some paper and fold it into plane shape then see who can throw the furthest away? And also the boat shape one and we put it on the water to see it floating.

4. 打手指 (Finger Fight)

看到这个就很怀念了!用全手指的力气来打敌人的手指,你还记得游戏是 需要 换手指升级的吗? >.<

So nostalgic! Use all the finger strength to defeat the opponent finger, luckily the finger is still ok.

5. 一字马 (Scissor, Paper, Stone!)


Scissor, paper, stone! Who lose need to stretch their feet~ Whose split leap skill good can hang until the last!


6. 跳房子 (Hopscotch)

用粉笔在地上画出“房子”,用“串”来跳。“房子”的图样有好几种,玩法也各不相同。疫情在家, 客厅80cm*80cm的大地砖,也能用胶带贴出格子,就可以玩了。

Using chalk to draw the ‘home’ and hop on it. There are kinds of playing methods. Most of the time we use the stone and throw on the other box.

7. 橡皮大战 (Eraser Fight)

以前的橡皮从来不是用来擦的,而是用来玩的!哈哈!比谁的橡皮先反身压住对方的橡皮,就赢啦!我还记得爸爸和我也有一起趴在客厅地上玩这个呢. 每次都是爸爸赢的 ┐(-。ー;)┌

The eraser we have was never used for rubbing, but for playing! Haha! The one that holds down the other’s rubber first win!

8. Congkak

玩这个游戏要很厉害算哦!算的不对还可能会被反击了!我小时候也没有买congkak的木船, 可是~动动一下小聪明~ 在家也可以拿几个小碗和绿豆就可以玩了!

Need to have calculate better otherwise will be counter-attack!

现在疫情在家, 是我们和长辈,小孩一起聚会的时候了。
也可以分享jio你的朋友一起回味, 疫情过后大家来个大比拼!

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